Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Sexy Leading Lady

What does it mean to be a beautiful woman? I'm sure we've all been told how young girls feel pressure from the media (pop culture) to look a certain way, to have a certain kind of body, that sort of thing. What effect do the women on big screens and magazines have on men? Does it effect a guy's decision to watch a movie if there is a "sexy leading lady" involved? You bet your bottom booty that it does. Which is why they're being featured more and more. Marilyn Monroe might have been the first sex icon, but she's nowhere near the last. There are really too many to count these days- we do need to appeal to all viewers.

First, let's talk about guys. One of them will say to me "So what if I think she's attractive and want to watch her movie? It's not an insult to them if I think they're sexy." Even if it turns them on to turn you on, it's still abusing them. Pretend for a minute that you fully agree with me. Not only do we need to protect these women from being misused, we need to protect ourselves from falling victim to it. It shouldn't take having a little girl of your own being oggled at the strip bar to make us realize that somewhere along the lines, our thought patterns concerning women might be a bit bad.

Now, for the girls. It's amazing how many times women try to take steps forward, and it turns out to be more of a step to the side, or just slightly backward even. First, I don't think you need me to tell you that you don't need to reveal more of your physical body to be more physically beautiful. By conducting yourself in a way that reveals more and more, it teaches men to think of you as something that they can attain at no cost. Have more respect for yourself and your fellow women- men should treat you better as a result.

One point on the whole "women's lib" movement. It seems that the goal from women has been to establish that they can do things every bit as good as men can, and therefore should be honored and celebrated just as much. While it may be true that women can do everything men can and vice versa, what if it's not? Does that mean that women shouldn't be honored and celebrated just as much? Or if it turns out that they can do everything better than men, should men not be celebrated for who they are? What if we were to say that women need to be honored and celebrated and appreciated no matter what they can or can't do? If you try to establish respect on the basis of being equal in all things, what happens if a guy is stronger than you? Should your respect take a dive?

Honestly, I'm embarrassed to be a guy sometimes because I know the way that we think. I'm not up here preaching- I know that I'm guilty of it, which is how I understand it so well. And even if I was preaching, establishing that I don't practice what I preach is no reason to disregard the message. Guys need to learn who women are and how they're to be treated. But women need to learn who women are and how they're to be treated, too.


Unknown said...

Are men really portrayed any differently in films? It seems to me that a film starring Brad Pitt will attract a bigger audience than a film starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

Ryan said...

One major difference is that there is supposed to be a sexy female counterpart to draw the crowd. The male character can be either or, it's just helpful if he's sexy. Also, they aren't as often advertised as being in the movie for their looks. Orlando Bloom might get more gigs b/c girls think he's dreamy, but they usually don't describe him the same way they would a "steamy seductress" who is in the film for the same purpose.

Women can get gigs when they're not known for being sexy, but I see a lot less of this than men. Again, Bjork loses to Julia Roberts, Phillip Seymore Hoffman wins Best Actor, sexy man/bad actor didn't.

smileskindeep said...

Sex Sales! This is our society. What I find funny is even the everyday items we absolutely need our sold in a sexy way. Like soap. Just flash it on the screen and we would still go check it out. Well some of us which take showers.LOL In alot of cases I think both sexes are used for looks rather than the abitlity to act.I know it is a shame for us to rely on the body so much to sell products, but hopefully the future will hold brighter and less reveiling ways to sell products.