Sunday, November 05, 2006

Who's his chiropractor?

Last week (yeah, I know, I should have written sooner) we watched one of my favorite movies, El Espinazo del Diablo, a ghost story set in a Spanish orphanage during the Spanish Civil War. For those of you who don't habla Espanol, El Espinazo del Diablo is Spanish for The Devil's Backbone. It was directed by Guillermo del Toro, probably best known in the U.S. for Mimic, Blade II, and Hellboy. He also wrote and directed a film called Cronos, a fascinating reworking of the vampire mythos.

If you haven't seen any of del Toro's films, I would highly recommend all of them, with the unfortunate caveat, however, that they may be classified as horror movies. I say unfortunate because I think the horror genre is one that many people simply dismiss out of hand.

So I'd like to begin discussion with a few questions:

1. If you avoid horror, why?

2. If you enjoy horror, why?

3. What horror movies/stories do you enjoy, and have you watched any that you wish you hadn't?

Del Toror's next film, Pan's Labyrinth, comes out in December. I've only seen the trailer, but I think it's my favorite movie ever.